Sunday, July 3, 2011

Book Reviews

I've been neglecting my reviews of gay-themed books lately! It's definitely not all I read, but let me just briefly mention some of the gay-themed stuff I've read lately.  Click on the links for more info about each book.

First is Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez.  Alex Sanchez has written alot of YA gay fiction, and is one of my favorite authors.  This book is about a gay teen and his questioning girl friend (not girlfriend!) who meet a bi boy and his lesbian friend. Questioning and growth ensue.  Four out of five stars.

Next is No Going Back by Jonathan Langford.  I really liked this one.  It's about a gay teen Mormon boy, and how his parents, friends, ward, and school friends deal with him being gay.  Well written, and I look forward to more from this author.  Five out of five stars.  Get the ebook here for a really good price, and read a good review of it here.

Next up is In the Eye of the Storm by Gene Robinson.  The author is the Bishop of a rural Episcopal congregation in New Hampshire. And he's gay.  I hoped for more from this book.  I wanted to know more about his personal story and how his sexuality and spirituality affect each other.  Or how LGBT Christians can get more out of the church.  It was good, but it was more just a collection of his sermons.  Two out of five stars.

Love Drugged by James Klise came recommended by my friend D3.  It's pretty much a gay fantasy (not in a sexual way though, perv!) in that a struggling teen discovers a pill that a mad scientist invented to eradicate homosexuality, and he decides to take it. Complications ensue. Three out of five stars.

Gemini Bites by Patrick Ryan could also be considered a fantasy. It's not a typical struggle/coming-out story like much gay YA lit is; the main teen boy just happens to be gay and is already out and mostly happy (yay for happy gay teens!).  He and his family take another boy into their home, who may or may not be gay...and may or may not be a vampire.  The first boy's twin sister is the third point in the love triangle.  Sounds corny, but it's funny as heck. Four out of five stars.

We can't forget Gay Mormons?: Latter-day Saint Experiences of Same-Gender Attraction by my awesome roomie Brent Kerby.  The title says it all. A must-read.  Five out of five stars.  Get a hard copy or ebook here.

Last but not least is Kevin Keller. Remember Archie Comics from back in the day? They're still around, and have introduced a gay character! He was first introduced in Veronica #202, and now has his own 4-issue series (just the first is out so far).  Hopefully he will be popular enough to be a regular character. The high point in the first issue was a Stand-By-Me-reminiscent barf-o-rama after a pie eating contest. Can't get better than that, and it shows that gay kids are perfectly normal! See what AfterElton says about it here, here, and here.

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